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Power Forecaster - Jan 2025

Earned for making 20+ forecasts in a month.
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Star Commenter - Jan 2025

Earned for making 5+ comments in a month (rationales not included).
New Prediction
Why do you think you're right?

After listening to the live call and doing my own research I believe 2030 is too soon for the resolution criteria to be achieved. We haven’t seen new public advances since 2020 and 5 years is a short timeframe for what we’re talking about. 400 is a high mark when each step gives so many opportunities for impurity or failure 

Why might you be wrong?

Industry is pumping a lot of money into this and technological advancements in robotics and AI could speed up the timeline greatly

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Questions Forecasted

For forecasting in 175 questions!
New Prediction
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This seems very unlikely given the technology’s invasiveness and nascent stage in research. 2030 is too early for approval in able bodied individuals

Why might you be wrong?

Musk’s influence on regulatory process speed is still undetermined

New Prediction
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Due to the long regulatory process of fda and nascent research into blood alternatives, this seems extremely unlikely by 2030

Why might you be wrong?

It’s enough of a holy grail and huge demand that it could get expedited by us administrations that want the credit when the technology gets good enough. AI could also speed research into viable technologies

New Prediction
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Putin still has absolute power and they stockpiled resources for their invasion so their economy is still doing relatively well

Why might you be wrong?

Ukrainian attacks on Russian oil and less western demand, along with a weakening Iran and China may mean more unrest in russia

New Prediction
Why do you think you're right?

It’s very unlikely anything other than chemical weapons will be used. Russia and Sudan to me are the only state actors close to using chemical weapons currently. However, many state actors have used chemical weapons in the past and with a resolution date of 2030, I believe this is more likely to happen than not. 

Why might you be wrong?

No one needs to use chemical weapons. They can be fickle and are looked upon as wmds by the international community, so it’s very possible no one uses them

New Prediction
made their 8th forecast (view all):
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Confirmed previous forecast
New Prediction
made their 5th forecast (view all):
1% (-1%)
Venezuela conducts a ground invasion of Guyana
0% (0%)
Venezuela attacks offshore Guyanese oil wells
0% (0%)
Venezuela relinquishes its claim on Essequibo
0% (0%)
Guyana agrees to cede some or all of Essequibo
Why do you think you're right?

This seems more and more like this was an announcement to shore up Maduro’s support before the election. There is 0 economic sense to invading

Why might you be wrong?

Who knows what a dictator will do

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