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This week, two major events related to Haiti have influenced the likelihood of President Henry remaining in office. Firstly, a delegation from Haiti visited Nairobi on a fact-finding mission to assess the readiness of Kenyan police for deployment to Haiti. This indicates a significant level of international cooperation and support, suggesting an 99% likelihood that Henry will continue as president. However, the second event, which introduces a 1% uncertainty, involves a request from the US Congress' Haiti Caucus to the Biden administration, urging them to withdraw support for President Henry. This request could potentially impact his position and international backing.

Comment deleted on Dec 14, 2023 04:38PM UTC

Given that the holiday season for major airlines has already begun with Thanksgiving, it is unlikely that any significant announcements will be made before the end of the year.

According to recent updates, it appears that the elections are now expected to take place in 2025.
My rationale is based on the social unrest after the elections.